
Stay up to date with all of the latest additions and improvements we've made to Ongoing Subscriptions.


AI Powered post-purchase upsells

OngoingAI has introduced a new AI-Powered Post-Purchase Upsells, designed to maximize revenue and convert one-time buyers into loyal subscribers.

Using the details of your customers purchase history, we deliver personalized product recommendations and tailored upsell suggestions.

Our goal is to focus on one-time buyers with invitations to subscribe, aiming to drive consistent, predictable revenue for Shopify brands.

Key Differentiator

The key differentiator of OngoingAI is our context-awareness and personalization capabilities.

Unlike generic mass emails, OngoingAI crafts unique, one-of-a-kind messages for each customer based on their shopping behavior, preferences, and past interactions.

This personalized approach, combined with AI-driven timing for optimal engagement, significantly increases the chances of converting customers into subscribers.

By leveraging smart recommendations, perfect timing, and subscription boost strategies, OngoingAI empowers businesses to capitalize on every transaction and transform one-time purchases into long-term customer relationships.

AI Powered post-purchase upsells

Subscription activity history for individual subscriptions

You can now see the activity history of any subscription. The historical acitivity feed shows status changes and cancellation reasons for each subscription.

The historical activity also shows whether a status change was performed by the brand, the subscriber, or automatically by Ongoing.

This helps you to get more info about why a subscription may or may not be active on a case by case basis.

Previously, cancellation reasons were only available at a broad level and this new feature will help you understand bahavior at a more granular level.

Subscription activity history for individual subscriptions